ICEC 2021
On this page, you will find presentations and handouts from all RZSS talks at the International Conservation Education Conference 2021.
On this page, you will find presentations and handouts from all RZSS talks at the International Conservation Education Conference 2021.
Lizzie Seymour - Learning Technology Officer
Blair Cockburn - Discovery and Learning Officer
Jasper Hughes - Discovery and Learning Officer
Lizzie Seymour - Learning Technology Officer
A copy of Blair Cockburn's PowerPoint used from his presentation for ICEC 2021 on the Friday 8th of October at 4pm (GMT). This presentation focusses on evaluating the impact on 16-18 year old learner's Nature Connectedness. We compare learning onsite at our Science Summer School with learning online within our newly developed Zoo Studies distance learning course, which have been developed to cover identical learning outcomes and delivered using similar formative assessment techniques..