GAT - The Tale of the G-Raft
The Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF)
The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) have partnered with the Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF) to help conserve wild giraffes in Africa.
Part of the work of GCF sees them translocating groups of giraffe across Africa, allowing the species to return to areas they were once lost from. This important work can see the giraffe carried in trucks for thousands of miles and make difficult river-crossings!
This work is an essential part of giraffe conservation in the wild today. But whilst the amazing conservationists at GCF employ boats to transport their precious cargo, we have an altogether more crafty task for you!
Photo Credit: Giraffe Conservation Foundation.
Build Your Own G-Raft
We are setting you the challenge to build a raft to carry your own 'giraffes' on water. You will need:
- Raft Building Materials (e.g. Dry Mixed Household Recycling).
- 'Animals' To be Transported (e.g. A Toy Animal).
- A Body of Water to Test Your Raft (e.g. A Sink, Bath or Small Pond).
But beware, this task may not be as simple as it appears. You will need to ensure your animals don't become more endangered. Make sure they can stay safe and dry on their journey, and ensure you can retrieve your raft and its precious
cargo if testing outside!
Once you are ready, its time to let your toy embark upon your vessel and check that it works on the water! Remember, you may need to make some tweaks to the design to make it absolutely perfect!
Good luck and bon voyage!